1980-1989 Précédent
all stamps : Timbres à vendre - Nevis (page 4/27)
2000-2009 Prochain

Montre maintenant: Nevis - Timbres-Poste (1990 - 1999) - 1339 Timbres-poste.

[The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type SY] [The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type SZ] [The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type TA] [The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type TB] [The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type TC] [The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type TD] [The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type TE] [The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type TF]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC    
603 SY 15C - - - -
604 SZ 40C - - - -
605 TA 60C - - - -
606 TB 75C - - - -
607 TC 1$ - - - -
608 TD 2$ - - - -
609 TE 4$ - - - -
610 TF 5$ - - - -
603‑610 14,95 - - - EUR
[The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type ]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC    
611 TG 6$ - - - -
611 5,00 - - - EUR
[The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type ]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC    
611 TG 6$ - - - -
611 6,95 - - - EUR
[The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type ]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC    
612 TH 6$ - - - -
612 4,50 - - - EUR
[The 500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration, type ]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC    
612 TH 6$ - - - -
612 4,50 - - - EUR
1991 Island Birds

28. mai WM: Aucun Perforation: 14

[Island Birds, type ]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC    
613 TI 40C - - - -
614 TJ 40C - - - -
615 TK 40C - - - -
616 TL 40C - - - -
617 TM 40C - - - -
618 TN 40C - - - -
619 TO 40C - - - -
620 TP 40C - - - -
621 TQ 40C - - - -
622 TR 40C - - - -
623 TS 40C - - - -
624 TT 40C - - - -
625 TU 40C - - - -
626 TV 40C - - - -
627 TW 40C - - - -
628 TX 40C - - - -
629 TY 40C - - - -
630 TZ 40C - - - -
631 UA 40C - - - -
632 UB 40C - - - -
613‑632 16,50 - - - EUR
1991 Island Birds

28. mai WM: Aucun Perforation: 14

[Island Birds, type ]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC    
613 TI 40C - - - -
614 TJ 40C - - - -
615 TK 40C - - - -
616 TL 40C - - - -
617 TM 40C - - - -
618 TN 40C - - - -
619 TO 40C - - - -
620 TP 40C - - - -
621 TQ 40C - - - -
622 TR 40C - - - -
623 TS 40C - - - -
624 TT 40C - - - -
625 TU 40C - - - -
626 TV 40C - - - -
627 TW 40C - - - -
628 TX 40C - - - -
629 TY 40C - - - -
630 TZ 40C - - - -
631 UA 40C - - - -
632 UB 40C - - - -
613‑632 16,50 - - - EUR


De l'an

A l'an




